Exmouth Marina is at 50° 37'.00 N, 003° 25'48W. Due to our location at the head of a tidal estuary, some care is needed on the approach. To plan your approach properly please read our pilotage notes below; you'll find us on Admiralty Folio SC5601 and Imray Chart 2300.6. If you have any questions, Exmouth Harbour Office is manned from 0800 until 1700, seven days a week, and can be contacted during office hours on VHF radio channel 14 using callsign ‘Exmouth Marina’, or by telephone on 44 (0) 1395 269 314. Please note: it is well worth booking a marina berth ahead, especially during the summer months, as visitor berths are allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. If you are expecting to arrive at the marina before 8am or after 5pm, it is strongly advised that you contact the Harbour Office beforehand, during office opening hours. Click here for more information about visitor berths
The entrance to Exmouth is via a buoyed channel, starting with the safe water mark MO(A) 10 secs. The channel is then marked by port and starboard lateral buoys. It is inadvisable to approach the channel in a strong east to south-west wind, as the seas are confused and you are liable to find breaking waves; in addition, the depth of water changes from time to time. As a rule of thumb, the channel is best approached two to three hours either side of high water. When you reach Nos. 7 and 8 buoys the channel becomes deeper; come around to starboard and pick up the sector light. Next, look out for No.10 buoy, FL R 10 secs, and keep to the right of this. You will then see the Clocktower on your starboard side - this is a good time to call us on VHF channel 14 so we can lift the bridge for your arrival. Particular care must be taken approaching the marina entrance, as the channel narrows at this section, making the tide run faster. Once into the entrance, proceed under the bridge and you will find the visitors’ pontoon on the hammerhead in the middle of the basin, on your starboard side. Electricity and water is provided on this pontoon, and access is via a gate code, which we will give you on arrival.
Click here to view River Exe and approaches including Exeter Canal